1. What you need before you enrol

  • To register for a tournament, visit the Tournaments page and select the tournament you wish to enter.
    1. Each member must register individually.
    2. You will need a team name.
    3. You will need to know your K/D.
    4. You will need to supply your C.O.D tracker link and enter your Activision ID. Enter your Activison ID in the Call of duty stats box. Press enter, when your account page is loaded up, copy the web link, and use that in our sign-up page. 
    5. You will need to know your teams combined K/D, as this will indicate which level of tournament you should enter for a balanced match.
    6. You will need your stream link.
    7. You must have a minimum of 200 Warzone non solo games played on your Activision ID account.
    8. If you have more then one Activision account you must use the account with the highest K/D.

Once you have the above information purchase your Warzone tournament ticket

You will then recieve a confirmation email.

On the day of the tournament, check-in to you applicable division on our discord server no later than 30mins before the tournament start time.

There is also a general chat and queries channel if you or your team mates have any questions.


2. K/D Caps

  • Our tournaments are separated into 4 categories of KD cap. This is to ensure all players are playing against other players of a similar skill level, so each tournament is fair.
  • To find your K/D visit the Warzone main menu, proceed to > Barracks > Records > Kills.
  • Every player must have a K/D of one or above, this is to prevent teams using a lower K/D player to make up a K/D margin in lower division tournaments.
  • To work out your team KD’s, each member of the team’s K/D ratios must be added together, giving you your combined KD.
  • Each team combined KD must be within the cap. If your combined KD’s are above the division cap, you will be unable to play in that division, no matter how much over. 
K/D Cap Trios Quads
Pro Uncapped Uncapped
Advanced 10 12
Intermediate 7 9
Beginner 5 7

3. Point Allocation

  • Every tournament will last 3 hours. Each team will have 3 hours to secure their best 3 games.

Point allocation:

1st Position 25 Points
2nd Position

15 Points

3rd Position

10 Points

Kills 1 Points


Example 1: Placement 3rd with 10 kills = 5 points for placement, 10 points for kills. A total of 15 points to the team.

Example 2: Placement #6th with 2 kills = 0 points for placement, 2 points for kills. A total of 2 points to the team.

  • Make a record of every game you play, total kills and team final position, and total the points ready to submit your scores when the tournament ends. – print screens / time stamps.
  • Eastiest suggested method of recording your scores are print screen, time stamps or photos.
  • You can start a game up until 2 hours 59 mins of the time frame, once the 3-hour window has ended, any game past that will not count. For example, if the tournament begins at 8pm, you can load up a final game at 10:59, but must be in the game match, already loaded into the loading screen of the match.
  • When you have completed all your games, one member of your team MUST proceed to the website, and go on the ‘Submit Your Results’ page. Here you will enter the results for your best three games total points. You will need your team name, and your email address to confirm identity.

Scores must be submitted within 1 hour of the final game end. Any later than the 1 hour time frame will result in scores not being counted and team disqualified. 

You must search the playlist of the Tournament type you are entering. e.g if you are playing a trio tournament you must play the trios game Type not Quads. 

You must compete with the correct amount of players for each tournament. e.g Duo cannot compete in a trios tournament. This is to prevent higher K/D player from entering a tournament with a lower K/D total.

4. Warzone Streaming requirements

  • All streaming must be done via Twitch, YouTube or Facebook. If using Twitch Store passed broadcasts. 
  • All PC players must stream in all cases. – except for beginner division where only one team member must stream.
  • PC Players must have server latency enabled at all times during tournament play.
  • At the beginning of each stream, players must show their task manager and scroll through the entirety of the processes page. 
  • Webcams are not compulsary however audio is compulsary on all streams.
  • The tournament specific stream must start 10min before tournament start time and must end max of 5 minutes after final game.
  • Each player must then proceed to load battle.net, clicking the world map icon next to their ‘Play’ button on Warzone, to show location. 
  • Proceed to open Call of Duty Warzone. Once open, go to settings > account > show geographical region’ and enable crossplay.
  • To show geographical location navigate to > options > account > show geographical region in the Warzone account menu. In the event that your stream ends you must restart the stream opening your task manager, to record processes page in it entirety. Open game and show geographical location again.
  • It is not compulsory for all console players to stream. However, one member of that team must be streaming.
  • All players must have ‘enjoigaming.co.uk’ and their team name in their stream titles.  
  • All players must be in the Discord. Discord link can be found on the website homepage and confirmation email.
  • 15 minutes before the start of the tournament we will release a clan tag that must be used during the tournament. It will be ‘EG’ followed by a randomly generated number to make sure all vods are legitimate.
  • The above clan tag will be announced in the announcement channel. 
  • Once this is complete, players are free to play. 
  • Once the tournament is complete feel free impress our staff  by posting your best clips in our Discord ‘Clips’ channel, For a chance to win a gift card.
  • Feel free to post your stream link in our streaming channel, in Discord.
  • Any games that are not streamed (stream outage/gaps in stream) will not be counted.
  • Correct stream links must be sent, otherwise our gaming staff will be unable to validate your VODs and confirm your points.
  • In the event that you or your team mates stream freezes, stops, or terminates , you cannot restart your stream in the middle of a match. If you are the only one streaming for your team, you must leave the match and restart a new one along with a new stream.
  • The host location can be located from anywhere but these following locations: Hawaii, Turkey. This is due to the low number of players playing on these servers and the proven effect this has on lowering the skill based matchmaking.
    Players can still play from these locations but the host of the lobby must from another location.

5. Prize pool

The prize pool value for every tournament is calculated according to the number of expected number of teams.

  • In Pro and Advanced division the Prize pool will be distributed between 1st – 3rd Place.
  • In Intermediate and Begginner divisions the Prize pool will distributed from 1st – 5th place.

In fixed prize pool competitions the advertised prize pool value is distributed between the competing Divisions.

In the case that a tournament has had less than 40% of available tickets purchased, the tournament may be cancelled and appropriate refunds issued.

All transactions are final and non refundable with the exception of canceled tournaments.

6. Payouts

  • Once the tournament is complete, the gaming admins/staff will review all footage to confirm submitted scores are correct and no cheating has occurred. 
  • Within 24 hours of the tournament end, a winner and leaderboards will be announced on the website and on Discord.
  • Within 48 hours of the tournament end, the winning team will receive their winnings. 
  • Payments are made in £ GBP or $ USD. 
  • Winnings will be sent to the paypal accounts used to register.

All final decisions regarding winning placments are ultimately up to Enjoi Gaming admins and their decision is final.

By purchasing an Enjoi Gaming tournament ticket you are engaging in our terms of service. 

By agreeing to the terms of service you represent that you are at least the age of 18 and that the card you are using to make payment is in your name.

You have to be at least 13 years old (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in your country of residence) to be eligible to participate.  In addition, if you are between the ages of 13-17, you must have permission from your parent or legal guardian to do so.

If you are of age 13-17 and using a parental or guardian payment gateway you must have permission from the payment method owner. Enjoi gaming  accept no responsibility or liability for unauthorised payments made.

7. Score Submission

At the end of each tournament you are required to submit your teams match placements and kills.
To Submit your results visit the submit your results page at the top of the website. Submit your tournament results
  • Results must be sent to us within 1 hour after completion of tournament. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  • Only one member of each team is required to fill in result submission.
  • A point allocation table is available on the submit your results page.
  • Please use the same email address as you used to purchase the ticket.

8. Tie breaks and substitutions

  • If a situation where the top two teams, score the same points. The team with the most kills will be classed as first place. 
  • In a situation where the top 2 teams score the same points, and have equal kills, the winnings will be split 50/50 between them. 
  • In a situation where one member of a team can no longer play. The team must contact one of our staff members via discord. State the team name and Activision ID of the player no longer playing, and the Activision ID of the substituted player.
  • The substituted player must have a KD that still fits within the KD cap division they have selected. 
  • If your team then wins from a substituted player, a moderator will be in contact about how your team wants to receive the winnings. 

9. Cheating

  • Anyone caught cheating will be disqualified.
  • During the tournament, our moderators will be checking each team’s stream to make sure no member of the team is cheating, if a moderator believes a player is cheating, they will let the other moderators know, who will review the footage, and if the vote is unanimous the team will be disqualified. 
  • As well as this our moderators will be checking for any teams using a VPN, if caught, this is will also result in a disqualification. 
  • If you think another team is cheating you can report them here.
  • The use of the Warzone companion’ app is banned due to giving competitive advantage to app user. People seen to be backing out of games without good reason will be subject to disqualifiction.

10. Code of conduct

  • Offensive behaviour may result in a player ban
  • Follow the rules
  • Do not share your account details, personal information or information about other individuals
  • Our Discord server has the appropriate channels for complaints and questions. Our general chat is not used for complaints.
  • If a complaint has not been answered in the appropriate channels please message a member of staff.
  • There is a zero staff abuse policy. Any abuse can result in a disqualification. Every team has the chance to appeal. All appeals must be made within 24hrs of the tournament end.
  • To appeal a decision contact a member of staff and they will review your appeal. All appeals must be submitted with substansive evidence